General Ledger Template

General ledger template is one of important documents of each organization and is used by the finance department of the organization to keep record of financial transaction between customer/client and organization. Account information is given on general ledger and amount is debited and credited from the accounts of customers. Usually accountants are responsible for using and preparing ledgers in any company. General ledger is the book of final entry which provides the entire data for preparing the financial statement of the organization. In this document all the records of financial transactions, assets, liabilities, owners’ equity, revenues and expenses of the company. This general ledger is prepared while including all these contents in proper format. This is also helps for making other business plans for future. Information about the business, company name, document name and date is also mentioned on the top of the page. This is specific business document and it also prepared by a professional person. You can prepare a well-drafted ledger with help of general ledger template that has been designed by us. We use MS Word to prepare this template just to give you an easy way to customize this template.

Here we are offering you to use our well-designed general ledger template which is also prepared by keeping in mind your requirements. For your satisfaction, we are also providing you the attractive picture of this template. The best way to use general ledger template is to view its preview and then look upon your requirements. Once you are clear about your needs and requirements about this template, you can click on download button which is provided underneath of this template’s image. Once file is downloaded, you can recheck it base on new changes which you are willing to insert. These changes can be vital and make effect on the outlook of this template. Therefore, make sure these changes are inevitable and a “must” thing. Once your changes are completed, you can use this template and can click on print button. It is advisable to check print setting before taking print.

Find below a snapshot of general ledger template with a link to download the template.

Templates for General ledger










Categories: Business Templates
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